Our mission is to guide more unsaved Christian men and women towards GOD, across America and the globe, to become “saved for salvation” individuals of faith. By sharing the Word with more people, we trust that the Holy Spirit will lead them to be better fathers, mothers, siblings, uncles, aunts, children, and righteous community advocates. Once the seed—the Word—is sown, GOD will furnish the path, the grace, and the mercy.

The newspaper is distributed complimentary at churches, Christian venues, events, and various waiting rooms, including but not limited to hospitals, dental offices, daycares, health and beauty spas, barber shops, beauty salons, and numerous businesses in each city, especially where there is a high concentration of both believers and non-believers. When individuals see the Christian Men and Women newspapers, they are inclined to pick them up, which may bolster their faith through exposure to the Word, and encourage them to support the advertisers’ businesses and congregations. The paper also aims to reach non-believers, with the goal of strengthening the faith of existing believers who are eager to engage with the Word in reading, listening, and viewing. As the saying goes, “Iron sharpens iron.”

Special Introductory and Charter Rates are available. Advertisers who purchase ads for three or more consecutive issues will have their rates permanently locked in without any change.

1. Being the first to advertise in your category means your ad will be placed first; if you’re second, your ad will be the second in that category, and so on.

2.Landing 1-2 clients from your ad can recoup your advertising investment—any additional clients contribute to name recognition, visibility, branding, and profit for your company.

3.Inquire about our article tie-ins, which offer a Q/A or an industry-related article featuring your company in the magazine, creating a personal connection and relationship-building opportunity with potential clients.

4.Additionally, substantial discounts are available for those who commit to or pay in full for a 3, 6, or 12-month advertisement period.

Advertising Please Call: Don at 214-773-8478

Our Team



Robb graduated from the University of Texas with degrees in Journalism and Business Administration. Robb also has an MBA from Baylor University. Robb has over 10-years of magazine, book and newspaper production experience. His expertise is overseeing the production of magazine launches and books from concept, manuscript, adaption and seeing it into completion as a high-quality, printed, audio and digital book and magazine



 Don has been in the publishing business for over 20 years, including creating and overseeing dozens of magazines, newspapers, and book ventures, and is the Publisher and Editorial Director for Carlyle Publishing. Don also has written, directed, and produced documentaries, web series, and feature films.



Ava is a native of Belize and is based in our New York office. Ava has degrees in Architecture, Fashion Design and Journalism and speaks seven-languages. Ava acts as Editorial Director for African American Filmmaker Journal, American Beauty Queen and Biracial magazines. Ava also writes music and scores documentaries and films.